How Entrepreneurs Can Benefit From Sound Financial Advice

With the current financial market and continually rising prices, it can be tough to maintain an entrepreneurial spirit. Oftentimes, business owners are so caught up in taking the right steps to grow their businesses, that they often neglect the special attention that they should be paying to their finances. Without having a strategic plan in place, only after it’s too late do they realize that their debts are overtaking their ability to grow their business or even make a profit.

Our Certified Public Accountants at JTS Associates are experts at working with entrepreneurs, whether with a new start-up company or a long time business that is failing to make progress and has stopped growing. Many who have long struggled on their own, are so relieved when they finally have a sound financial plan in place.

Review of Financial Statements

Sometimes a business may grow so quickly that the original financial plan that was put into place no longer serves its needs and doesn’t adequately capture what is going on within the company. Our associates can quickly work to identify the specific areas that require updating.

Budgeting and Cost Reduction Analysis

We help our clients to take a close look at their monthly expenditures with outside vendors, building maintenance, customer service needs and more, to find ways to possibly reduce costs or be more aware of what they are spending. Determining a realistic budget is one of  the first things we put into place, so business owners can feel more in control of the flow of their money.

Strategic Tax Planning and Compliance

Many first time entrepreneurs don’t realize that even if they are not making a profit, they still need to be aware of their tax obligations and how to plan for them in the future. Our experts are well versed in local, state and federal tax requirements.

For more detailed information on how we can best work with you to ensure future business success, please contact us at tel: +1(516)-877-5900.